Braxton Hicks Contractions Lead to Pregnant Woman Wetting Her Pantsfeaturing Lita Lecherous

Lita is pregnant with twins and trying to do some yoga, doctors orders! Suddenly, she feels an insane pain through her belly and lays back on the mat, just to feel her water start to break! Feeling a small wet spot, she starts
to panic and struggle with her big stretched belly to get up and call for help. The contractions get bigger and more intense, but suddenly she starts to feel strange, like her water is going to break again? Nope, Lita lets out a groan as she pees everywhere! Pee is all over the mat, her pants are soaked through and wet, and she is mortified. Of course, Braxton Hicks contractions - she was faked out and now is covered in pee as she struggles to get up and clean herself.